Sunday, June 4, 2023

Hummingbird Antics


I love capturing those fast moving hummingbirds as they enjoy their floral nectar gathering.  This little one is stretching his neck to get to the good bits.

This tiny fellow has decided to sit  for a bit while exploring these little blooms.

This one appears to be balancing on one bloom while while enjoying its meal.  This little guy appears to have a good grip on that bloom but I'm not sure it would actually support him.  


Andy said...

Sharon you bird photography is amazing! Keep them coming.

Travel said...

Great shots,

RedPat said...

You are becoming a nature photographer, Sharon. These are great shots.

Catarina said...

Phenomenal photos, Sharon!

Bill said...

I agree with RedPat. Well done, Sharon.

William Kendall said...

They are marvelous birds.

Gemel said...

Lovely photos.

Steve Reed said...

GREAT shots! Maybe the bloom stabilizes him so he doesn't move around too much, but yeah, doesn't seem likely to hold him up. (Though I've heard hummingbirds are incredibly light.)

Aimz said...

I've never seen one of them.