Monday, June 5, 2023

Garden Visit


Over the weekend, I realized that I hadn't been to the Japanese Friendship Garden in a long time so I took a walk there on Saturday morning.  The garden looked a bit different in several areas with a few new plants and others were gone.  

The crepe myrtle trees were blooming and showing off these red (and a few white) clusters of blooms.  I was surprised by all the unexpected 'bokeh' in this shot when I downloaded it.  

There was a large patch of lilies on one area.  I must have taken dozen photos of all the pretty blooms.  I found them so appealing.

My favorite sighting were these adorable little ducklings.  There weren't many ducks around while I was there so I was surprised when I spotted these two little ones along with an attentive mother near by.  They were relaxing in the cool grass while their mother did a little foraging.  


Andy said...

Nice one. You have to be there at the right time of year to see the Lilies and the baby ducks.

Travel said...

Quack, how cute

roentare said...

The garden is quite serene and beautiful

RedPat said...

What a lovely place for a duckling to grow up, Sharon.

Catarina said...

It was a good decision to pass by that park.

Bill said...

The ducklings looks so content and they have a beautiful garden to explore.

Steve Reed said...

Adorable ducks! I like those types of daylilies, with the single blooms. (Ours are triples -- we didn't plant them.)

Aimz said...

What a nice peaceful place.

William Kendall said...

Very cute little ducks.

Gemel said...

The ducklings are adorable.