Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Theme Day: Solitude


When I saw the first of the month theme for today "Solitude" I immediately thought of those early morning walks on the beach from last summer.  I loved those walks.  I hardly saw another person.  It was so very quiet and peaceful walking along the sand and watching birds play in the waves.  That was perfect solitude in a place that will later be quite busy. 

To see other City Daily Photo Blogger's version of solitude, click here.


Andy said...

I know the feeling.

biebkriebels said...

It suits well with the theme.

Steve Reed said...

I love a walk alone on a beach.

Travel said...

A few years ago I spent a couple of slow days along the coast between San Francisco and Pebbly Beach, stunning part of the world,

RedPat said...

Perfect for the day, Sharon. It looks so beautiful there.

Bill said...

I love walking on the beach. Nice capture and perfect for the theme, Sharon.

Roseann said...

Where were you?

Sharon said...

Roseann, this was at Newport Coast (Crystal Cove State Park).

Gemel said...

Solitude is good for the soul. Great photo.

Catalyst said...

Love it.

William Kendall said...

A beautiful spot.

Aimz said...

I love spending time alone on a beach, it's just nice to sit and think.