Saturday, March 5, 2022

Meet Otis


Meet Otis!  I went to a party at a friend's house last weekend and got to meet this handsome fellow.  My friend adopted this sweet boy about two years ago knowing that Otis was deaf.  She and a trainer worked with him to teach him using signs and he responds beautifully.  He is a lovable chap who will steal your heart.  


biebkriebels said...

Oh how sweet he has found a good home and has a nice life.

Andy said...

It is amazing how Otis is able to handle his disability.

Travel said...

Oh isn't he handsome.

William Kendall said...

What a grand fellow he is.

RedPat said...

He is a sweetie! And has found a wonderful home.

Bill said...

He's beautiful and glad that he found his forever home.

Catarina said...

It was a pleasure to meet Otis. : )

Revrunner said...

Isn't that amazing!

Gemel said...

He is beautiful.

Steve Reed said...

Adorable! I didn't know dogs could learn signs, though it makes sense.

Aimz said...

awww he's such a good boy