Friday, August 2, 2024

Two Different Entrances


I was driving around a neighborhood near where I live looking for interesting things to photograph when I spotted this house with an interesting entrance into the yard.  The house is surrounded by a low wall and lots of plants and trees.

Next door to the house in the top photo was another house that was also surrounded by a wall only this one has high wall and hardly any plant life.  There is a fountain visible behind the gate. These were the only two houses on this street with this type of entrance arrangement which made them stand out from all the other houses on the street.

Two interesting houses right next door to each other.


RedPat said...

It must be really hot in behind that tall wall, Sharon. It doesn't feel very inviting. Like the 1st one better.

Bill said...

The first house looks inviting.

Travel said...

What mysteries are beyond those doors.

Steve Reed said...

Landscaping makes a huge difference, doesn't it? But then again, that first yard probably uses a lot more water. What does the flag mean on the gate?

Diaday said...

I like the openness of the large gate but the smaller one is more inviting.

roentare said...

The gates look fantastic. So unique