Monday, August 5, 2024

George & Dragon Revisited


A little over a year ago, I posted a photo of this mural on the side of the George & Dragon pub on Central Avenue.  I mentioned that there was never sufficient light on this mural to get a good photo.  When I passed it recently, I thought I would give it another try but, as you can see it still looks dull and way too dark.

Then I got the idea of getting closer to the mural and taking photos of sections of the mural.  That way, I got way better light.  Now the dragon is quite clear and very intimidating.

And, I made a wonderful discovery.  I never saw the maiden tied to the tree until I got up close.  As you can see in the top photo, she is almost impossible to see.  Getting close paid off!

Taking part in Monday Murals.


Travel said...

Unless you are photographing rattle snakes, getting closer often is a good idea. Great mural.

RedPat said...

What a difference, Sharon. Maybe at night those lights brighten it up a lot.

Catarina said...

Good captures!!

Diaday said...

Getting close to the mural sure made a difference. St. George nor the maiden were visible from far away.

Bill said...

What a huge difference. Well done!

Steve Reed said...

I do remember this mural but I never saw the maiden either!

Sami said...

Fantastic mural! I hadn't noticed the maiden either on the top photo. Very well done, great artist. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.