Friday, August 16, 2024

The Beadle Surprise


When I went out on my "Beadle hunt", I had the address of this building but wasn't sure what I'd find. It appears that the Modern Phoenix website is not being updated currently and the photos of this building looked like this on their site:

I was afraid it might have been torn down.

I was surprised to see this beautifully restored building looking very fresh and inviting.  It is now being operated as The Beadle Workspace, a shared workspace facility.  Their website has great views of the building from above and inside.  It's well worth a look here! The eclectic work environment made me smile.  

Finding this building was a surprise and a pleasure.  It's so nice to see that someone has thought enough of the history of the place to name the building and business to honor the original architect.


roentare said...

Love the window reflections

Steve Reed said...

A nice restoration! It looks much better than the original!

Travel said...

So glad someone gave it a second life.

Stefan Jansson said...

How often does Google maps update in your area? Nice restoration.

RedPat said...

What a great job they did restoring it, Sharon.

Bill said...

Very impressive restoration. Nice views of the inside on their website, thanks for the link.

Diaday said...

What fun you're having with all the Beadle buildings! I love the mid-century architecture and you're so lucky to have one architect who built so many cool buildings in Phoenix.

Cloudia said...

Yes, that is hopeful and wonderful! Thank you so much for sharing the old picture too!