Sunday, August 4, 2024

More Inside Perspectives


I have a few more pieces from this latest show at the Shemer Art Center.  As always, I'm so impressed by the amount of artisic talent there is in this world of ours.  This painting is called "On a Limb" and it was painted by Diane DiRe-McGowan.  It's actually a mixed media piece because that nest is created from twigs, threads and feathers.  

This oil painting is a bit nostalgic.  It's called "Two Sons" and it was painted by Brian Boner.  I wonder if those are his two sons.  

This one caught my eye the second I stepped into the room where it was hanging.  It is another oil painting this time by Jason Savaglio.  It's called "Graduation Day: Eggs Leaving Their Nest".

This painting is oil on board created by Julia Wood.  It's called "Towering Saguaro".  The detail makes me think this one could be mistaken for a photograph.

I could stare at this  one for hours.  It's just so calming.  It's called "Peaceful Destination" and it is by Diane DiRe-McGowan.  This is the same artist as the "nest" in the first photo.  

Another successful show at the Shemer Art Center.


roentare said...

I love the 2nd one the best

Catarina said...


RedPat said...

I like the 1st one best of these, Sharon. They are all good though.

Travel said...

Such great art around you.

Steve Reed said...

I like "Two Sons." There's something unsettling about it. Is that a fire burning behind them? It seems to suggest celebration in the midst of disaster -- sort of a metaphor for life in the modern world!

Bill said...

Beautiful art. My favourite is the last one.

Aimz said...

My favourite one is the colourful eggs.