Friday, August 4, 2023

Electric Cars at the Mall


Several years ago, I marveled at the fact that the new Tesla cars were being sold at Scottsdale Fashion Square Shopping Mall.  About five years later, I mentioned that I'm not really a "car" person but that I'd really like to own a bright red Tesla.  All of that happened before I learned what a disturbing creature the owner of Tesla turned out to be.  I vowed I wouldn't add any of my money to his pocket.  Luckily, there are many more options to finding really nice looking electric cars and two more have shown up with outlets at the mall.  The one above is called Lucid Air and it's a real beauty.  However, it comes with a beautiful price tag too.  It runs around $100,000.  

The other one with a mall presence is the Polestar.  It's priced about half of what the Lucid is selling for and it too is a nice looking automobile.  There are a lot more out there now.  It's only a matter of time before we are all driving an electric vehicle.  


Stefan Jansson said...

Luckily for me I live in a country where you don't need a car to get around.

RedPat said...

Big bucks and then you need to hope there is enough electrical supply to service them if everyone is driving electric. I don't know what the solution is.

Travel said...

There is lots of solar and wind in the desert, electric car fuel. A friend has a new Mustang, nice cal. I read recently that a 600 mile battery range is being tested. The condo we live in installed electric car chargers this past year.

Steve Reed said...

I'm glad to see there are other options! Fortunately I have no plans to own a car again -- at least not if I can help it.

Bill said...

We have a great bus service to get around to different places and its free for people 65 and older, no need for a car. Our town has only one recharging unit and its on Main street. Could be a challenge to get there first when you need it.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I think people should hav ebeen driving them years ago, then we might not be in the climate we are now

roentare said...

Still too expensive and impractical in down under

William Kendall said...

Yes, that vile creature is a big reason not to do business with Tesla.

Aimz said...

They are quite impressive to look at but I hear they come with a few problems, my parents use to own one.