Sunday, September 27, 2020

Bath Time


When I was sitting in the contemplation garden that I spoke about yesterday, I saw this little house finch sitting in a nearby tree and eyeing the water below.

He finally decided it was safe and flew down so he could enjoy the water.

And then he just plunged himself into the water and splashed around vigorously.  

After a good scrubbing, his friend showed up.  He almost looks like he's asking "how do I look?"  I never get tired of watching the birds splash around in the water in this spot.  It brings me so much joy to watch their habits and antics.  

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm enjoying the wonderful architecture of Frank Gehry.


biebkriebels said...

You made me laugh, how the two birds look at each other, the one with his wet head! So funny.

Travel said...

I just washed my feathers and I can't do a thing with them. Pretty birds

RedPat said...

I love watching birds have a bath! They seem to enjoy it so much!

Steve Reed said...

I love the picture of the bird diving in headfirst! Great shots, as always.

Kate said...

Hello, friend! I' m tying to get back to photo blogging again, and I hope that this published because I miss all of you! Loved the third photo!

Catarina said...

Wow!!! Lovely pictures!!!
: )

Bill said...

Great photos, the bird is now nice and clean, refreshed and ready for the day.

Aimz said...

You got some great shots there. I'd love a bird bath in our garden

Luis Gomez said...

Sweet looking little guys!

Revrunner said...

Must have been a very refreshing dip.

Gemel said...

Beautiful photos.

Babzy.B said...

Beautiful serie !🙂

William Kendall said...

They are a pleasure to watch when they're like that.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Delightful series of shots Sharon, your patience was well rewarded 💛

Susie of Arabia said...

What pretty birds - I love their reddish color