Monday, September 21, 2020

2020 Vision


My art challenge group met last Friday night via Zoom again.  The challenge for this time was "About 67%" and the pieces our group came up with were as varied as the many interpretations of that subject.  My first thought on this subject was the "rule of thirds" in photography.  I asked my friend David to pose for me gazing out at Camelback Mountain.  I also thought about how our faces are currently broken up by the masks we are all wearing these days so I asked him to pose with his mask on.  Then I used a poster-like effect on the finished photo.  I call this "2020 Vision" because this how most of us are viewing the world in 2020.  Once again our little group produced an outstanding variety of art on this subject.

Our October challenge is "Hummingbird".  Now that's a subject I have some experience with.  I'm going to start looking through my hummingbird photos today!


Aimz said...

Can't wait to see your hummingbird photos as we don't have them here in NZ.

Travel said...

50 years from now, we will be able to date the photos from 2020-21 - if they have people in them.

RedPat said...

I like your image, Sharon! My first thought about 67% was the fact that 67% of the Covid cases here are in people under 40, a group that is out partying and having a good time.

Catarina said...

I'll be waiting for your beautiful photos!!
: )

Steve Reed said...

Nice photo! I like the way you worked with the rule of thirds in a couple of different ways. As for hummingbirds, yeah, I'd say you have that subject licked!

Bill said...

Nice work on this photo Sharon. I like it, it does represent the vision of this year.

William Kendall said...

Creative work with this shot, Sharon.

Revrunner said...

Suddenly the image of Bill Belichick at last night's game in Seattle came to mind. Looked like maybe he was actually using only a "third" of his mask. :-)

Gemel said...

Very arty! Love it.

Kay said...

Good work!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You met this challenge admirably Sharon ๐Ÿ˜Š Hummingbirds are definitely your forte ๐Ÿ’™