Sunday, April 19, 2020

A Very Weak Season

On this day for the past two years, I've been showing you the blooms on this gorgeous bottle brush tree not far from my house.  Here is 2019 and 2018.  This tree has never failed to impress until this year.

What a weak showing of blooms this year.  I drove past on April 2nd to see if it was blooming and again on April 15th.  This is the best I got.  I wonder why this year was so different.  Take a look at the two links and you'll see that this tree was much, much brighter last year.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm taking a cruise on Lake Como.


Andy said...

Yesterday when I was preparing a posting for next week the same icons on your posting yesterday came up on my screen. I could not see anything from Google Photos. I always use Google Chrome as my browser and my desk top computer operates on Windows 10. So I try using Microsoft Edge browser and everything worked perfectly. I guess the problem was with Google's browser. Today using Chrome everything is work fine and back to normal.

biebkriebels said...

There must be something wrong with the tree, lack of water?, a disaese? A sad look now.

RedPat said...

The tree is not so happy this year. It looks healthy other than the flowers, Sharon.

TJ Davis said...

We bought this house a bit more than a year ago. There were two small apple trees that had been recently planted in the back yard. Last year they were heavy with blossoms. This year there is not one. In years past other cultures that lived here would be taking all of this as a sign, an augury from the Gods. I wonder what they are trying to tell us.

Steve Reed said...

Hmmm...that's so strange. I think trees just have a bad year now and then, and they save up energy for growth and the next blooming cycle. They're looking at the long view, you know?

Revrunner said...

And a very good name for it, too.

Bill said...

I wonder why it is sad looking this year. Maybe just not a good blooming year. It is a wonderful tree though.

William Kendall said...

It's still pretty.

Amy said...

Love the bottle brush, it's called rata here, birds love it.

Kay said...

It's hard to believe this is the same tree. Its trunk has an arch to it that didn't show in your other shot and the bark has a lightness at its base that makes me guess that perhaps it's getting more water. I think bottle brush is a more drought tolerant species. This may not be getting the same care as in prior years. Whatever, it's a shame.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Looks like it should have been trimmed Sharon, it's looking more like a weeping willow. I have a bottle brush in my front garden that has just been trimmed and looks much happier than this poor old beauty ✨

Susie of Arabia said...

I didn't know bottle brush trees got that big! We used to have a few when I lived in Arizona, but they must have been babies because they were more like large bushes.