Friday, March 3, 2023

Just North of Here


My sister sent these photos of her yard on Thursday morning.  We had another winter storm blow through the state.  It rained in Phoenix and was extremely windy on Wednesday but where my sister lives just 90 miles north of here it looks like this.  

This poor tree is looking a bit sad.  I hope it doesn't break.  

We are having some very strange weather these days.   


roentare said...

Wow, What a splendid snow!

Andy said...

The fresh snow always makes the scenery look beautiful.

Travel said...

DC has had a few flurries and one light dusting this winter.

RedPat said...

It looks gorgeous but I know it isn't fun - except for dogs & kids. We are due for a blizzard here tonight.

Catarina said...

It is beautiful!!
We are expecting a big snow storm this afternoon.

Allison said...

We're in the Catalina foothills and got snow. It did not stick on the roads, and was gone early afternoon, so that's perfect snow.

Bill said...

That's quite a bit of snow. Nice to see but not nice to experience.

Steve Reed said...

Yeesh. That looks waaaaaaay too cold for me.

Catalyst said...

I wish Judy would come back to blogging. Her photography is so excellent, like yours, and I enjoyed our contact back in the day. Please give her my kindest regards when you talk to her again.

Aimz said...

I've never seen so much snow in someone's backyard, would be nice if we got it here this winter but no chance.

William Kendall said...

My kind of weather.

biebkriebels said...

We haven't had that lot os snow this year. Looks very cold outside.