Thursday, February 4, 2021

Fine Art and a Mystery


Many of my readers may remember that every year I attend an event called Celebration of Fine Art in north Scottsdale.  It runs from January through the end of March.  I actually thought that it might be cancelled this year but it hasn't been and my tickets arrived in the mail a few weeks ago.  

The event is set up in large white tents that are set in a U-shape with a sculpture garden in the middle as shown above.  I haven't gone to this year's event yet.  I decided to wait a couple more weeks before I venture out there.  The two photos above are from past visits.

Now for the reason I'm bringing this up.  Since I've been home so much, I've been slowly cleaning out drawers and file folders of things that have accumulated over the years.  I came across the artist's card that I have scanned and shown below.  I remember meeting this artist many years ago probably around 2006 or 2007 but he has never been back to the show.

The artist's name is Glen Plourde and he was showing a collection of fascinating surrealist art works that were incredibly well done.  I admired every one of his pieces in that show.  Finding the card made me curious about what he has been up to these days so I did some searching.  I found something about a showing at a gallery in Denver but that turned out to be an old posting and the gallery doesn't seem to exist any longer.  (Here is a link to it.).  I also found an old YouTube video featuring many of his works that I saw displayed all those years ago.  However, I can't find anything about the artist today.  There is nothing recent on line at all.  So that is the mystery.  What happened to this very talented artist?  I remember talking to him all those years ago and thinking he had such bright future ahead of him.  

As for the card I found, I'm going to frame it and keep it.  It will be a reminder that both time and talent are fleeting commodities.


biebkriebels said...

Indeed a mystery, it doesn't sound good in these times... Hope he is still alive and making art.

Travel said...

Where will anyone be in 10 or 15 years? Life has so many unexpected turns,

RedPat said...

It is hard making a living as an artist so maybe he went on to other things? I need to do a clean out like that!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

A mystery indeed Sharon, after watching the video one could even say a puzzle 😉 I enjoy surrealism art very much, hopefully the artist is alive and well and still painting 💙

Revrunner said...

Here's hoping he hasn't been done in by Covid.

Bill said...

Let's hope he's still producing art, he got talent.

William Kendall said...

It does make you wonder.

Aimz said...

oh wow the bottom artwork of the person with a puzzle piece, that could be an interesting conversation.

Thérèse said...

Let's preserve the mystery>.

Steve Reed said...

Maybe he'll respond to your blog post! said...

I am so glad there are others out there that would like to hear from Glen again. I know I would. I have know Glen since he was13. I was married to his brother. If you see this Glen, I think of you often and hope you are well. I still have all your drawings from when you were young. I pray you are happy and healthy. Michelle said...

I am so glad there are others out there that would like to hear from Glen again. I know I would. I have know Glen since he was13. I was married to his brother. If you see this Glen, I think of you often and hope you are well. I still have all your drawings from when you were young. I pray you are happy and healthy. Michelle

Unknown said...

I too wonder where he is... Him and my mother were together for several years, he lived with us. He is a very talented sketch artist, painter, & guitar player, I loved when he would play the blues! Some of my friends still have his paintings in their house. I have his large peace sign painting, I am passing on to a friend next week due to lack of space. It made me wonder where he is these days & what he is doing. In the past he kind of had the "step dad" role, we didnt always get along but all in all he was a good guy & i hope he is doing well!
Found this blog interesting that others are wondering the same!