Sunday, July 28, 2024

Tall and Sophisticated


This tall building is just one block away from the apartments I featured yesterday.  My first job upon moving to Arizona was in an elegant looking building between these two. (that building is long gone)  I remember coming from a small city in Illinois, this apartment building looked so "big-city" sophisticated to me.  The last time I featured this building on my blog was in 2008.

The building was designed by Al Beadle, a much admired, mid-century architect.  There is evidence of his buildings all over town.  I featured two others here and here.   

I should search out more Beadle buildings and do a series of posts! That might be a fun project.

I mentioned above that my first job after moving to Arizona was in beautifully designed building directly across the street from the apartments I posted yesterday.  The building was torn down a long time ago to make way for a parking lot.  (Yes, just like the song!) I spent two hours searching the internet for a photo of that building with no luck at all.  I can't believe that there are no photos to be found in cyberspace.  I spent another hour searching my old boxes of photos and finally came up with this one.  It's faded and pushing way too much green but at least you can get an idea of what that building looked like.  


Catarina said...

Yes, we get a good idea. And the cars... my father had one of those. : )

Travel said...

I love the old street scene photos, and the color from that era has proven to not be very stable (except Kodachrome.)

Have the cantilevered balconies held up well in the desert? Here the concrete weathers and they have to be repaired every decade or so (our buildings have them.)

RedPat said...

The tall building still looks elegant, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Thanks for finding that old photo. It's great to see the building and it's a shame it's been demolished. I don't understand why people don't place more value on mid-century architecture. At least Al Beadle's apartment building is still going strong! (It looks very "Bob Newhart.")

Bill said...

It's funny when we look at old photos today, we look at things we didn't know we would enjoy seeing again many decades later. Those cars are great to see and the sign way in the background, I can't make out what it says.

roentare said...

The building resembles a bit of beehive to me