Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Man-Made Fog


I took this photo at the Biltmore Fashion Park shopping center over the weekend.  Our humidity has been a tiny bit higher than usual over the last few days so when those cooling misters are running, it makes it look like a heavy fog.  If you look closely, you can see that the "fog" is actually coming from the building edges.  That's where the mister lines are located.  Normally, the air is dry enough that the mist doesn't really show that much.  It just does its job cooling the air.


roentare said...

The water mist makes a good pic

Diaday said...

Fog in don't see that very often! My hair would turn into a puffball if I walked through that!

Travel said...

An interesting place to be at this time of the year.

RedPat said...

That would not make for a 'good hair day' for me. I can't imagine how dry it must normally be there, Sharon.

Bill said...

The mist makes for a great photo op. Stay cool!