Monday, July 29, 2024

Midtown Phoenix


On Saturday I had a post about some apartments that replaced a strange looking restaurant.  This mural is painted on one side of those apartments near the entrance to the parking garage.  It pays tribute to an area of Phoenix called Midtown.  Midtown is a commercial area of town with high-rise buildings and lots of businesses that is located north of downtown.  I used to live in the area called midtown.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


Travel said...

A lot of building codes require public art to be included, often the murals are included in that set aside.

RedPat said...

I like the style of this one a lot, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Very hipstery.

Bill said...

Looks good right there, it fits in nicely.
Thanks Sharon, for the name of the sign in yesterday's post.

roentare said...

Great funky vibe

Sami said...

Nice mural. In Australia when there is new construction a small percentage of the cost has to be allocated to public art. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Jack said...

Nice. Lots of murals for cities or neighborhoods are meh. This one is good.