Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Some Oldies!


One of the benefits of digging through boxes of old photos is that you find some you hadn't seen in a long time.  I thought I'd show a few.  This is my grandparents house in Quincy Illinois.  The date on the photo is April 1954.  This photo probably sat in the camera for a month or two before the film was developed because there probably wasn't that much snow on the ground in April.

This is a photo of my grandparents.  There was no date on this photo but I'm guessing it was around 1920.  I know it was before they were married.  Aren't they a handsome couple?

Here they are again only this time my grandfather is in his military uniform.  He served in WWI.

Now we'll jump forward many years.  This is from 1960 and that's me on the far right.  Next to me is my dad, my sister Judy, my mom and then my grandfather and my sister Pam. All of the ladies had corsages, I'm not sure why.

This last one has a date of January 1958.  Once again, I think this film sat in the camera for several months before it was developed.  We wouldn't be standing outside in short sleeves in January in Illinois.  

This one has my grandmother in it with me to the left and Judy and Pam in front of grandma.  I love those Oxford shoes now. I probably hated them back then.

These are fun photos to rediscover.  


roentare said...

These grandparents' photos are fantastic

Travel said...

A great collection of photos. You really grew up between 57-58 and 60. When I saw the glasses in the 1960 photo I immediately thought that was from the early 60's. My dear Aunt had those same frames a that time.

RedPat said...

These are great fun to look at, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

LOVE them! It's always great to see old photos. I like your cat-eye glasses in the Thanksgiving shot! I have pictures of women in my family wearing corsages at holidays -- it was a thing back then, I guess. Do you think your grandmother is wearing the same hat in both of those photos?

Sharon said...

It does look like the same hat!

Bill said...

Love the old photos. My aunt had glasses like the ones you had on. It's nice looking back in time. Thanks so much for sharing.

Gemel said...

What beautiful memories.

Linda said...

How I love old photos. Sometimes the lack of organization/posing causes me to cringe, but the photos themselves are awesome. When I think of the horrible photos I took before I took up photography I just have to shake my head, but I'm so glad I have them. I should go through the few that I have from my parents and post one or two.

Diaday said...

Such beautiful memories. Did you know that Quincy is known as Illinois' Gem City just like Dayton (my town) is known as Ohio's Gem City. Fun connection.

Jack said...

Nice! Your family took better photos than my family did. I should search through the shoeboxes. If I have the courage I might post one of my childhood photos (with a crewcut!).