Friday, July 26, 2024

Fiesta Mall - All Gone


When the plane was on the landing path last Sunday, I spotted some familiar territory in the city of Mesa.  I was shocked to see that the old Fiesta Mall had been totally scraped away leaving nothing but a big plot of bare land.  

The tall building to the left was once a bank building.  I featured the beautiful fountain in front of the building here.  

Back in 2016, I did two posts about Fiesta Mall with outside photos here and inside photos here.  It's all gone now.


Travel said...

Will main street return to replace shopping malls?

Steve Reed said...

I wonder what's going to go in there now? It seems such a waste to tear down a perfectly good mall. (Which is what I said on your 2016 post, too!)

Bill said...

That's a huge piece of land, I wonder what people have planned for it.

roentare said...

That is a stunner view

RedPat said...

That is amazing that the whole place is gone.

Aimz said...

It's sad how malls are a thing of the past, I remember how popular they were when I was a teenager.