Monday, February 7, 2022

Black History Month


You might remember that last year around this time, I found a mural similar to this one featuring three very talented and accomplished people who I had not heard of before.  You can see it here.  I recently found another similar mural, this time featuring three very well known and loved people.  February is Black History Month here in the U.S.  It's a perfect time to reflect on the many accomplishments that are sometimes overlooked.  

Taking part in Monday Murals.  


Andy said...

Lovely mural. In Canada February is Black History Month.

Gemel said...

A lovely piece.

Travel said...

A couple of Mowtown legends

RedPat said...

That's a good one, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Great mural. Hard to believe Ms. Ross will be 78 this year!

Stefan Jansson said...

Three great artists.

Bill said...

A wonderful mural of three great singers.

Catalyst said...

Meantime the Arizona House of Reprobates wants to ban the teaching of Critical Race Theory in our schools.

William Kendall said...

This one is well done.

Linda said...

I like it. I remember 40 years ago at a Black History Month program, my boss gave a talk and stated that black history is not really taught in our public schools, so we needed this occasion to make up for that. I thought for sure by now we would’ve had a more even curriculum, but judging by the opposition to “CRT,” people are not going to allow it. I am very disappointed in people.

Sami said...

Great tribute to 3 great ladies of the music world.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

Aimz said...

Black history is definitely worth looking into.