Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Housing Options


I recently found two more in-fill housing complexes squeezed in between single the family homes around them.  These appear to be units above a two-car garage.  They have a nice urban look.

These have a more traditional look.  They look like they might be three stories high.  That would probably be too many stairs for me but I'm sure they would appeal to a lot of first time buyers.  


Travel said...

I like the urban townhouses, but not without an elevator at this age. There are days when my knees say no to stairs.

RedPat said...

Those 3 storey ones are what often gets built here too and there is a lot of space taken up by stairs. Getting cooling and heating evenly distributed seems to be a problem in many of them.

Steve Reed said...

Both very sleek and mod!

Catarina said...

Very modern looking, specially the first ones.

Bill said...

The style is very contemporary, I like it.

Gemel said...

We have too many of those types of homes here in Western Australia. Sadly after time the amount of people living so close together always brings dysfunction and trouble.

Diaday said...

My daughter and son-in-law live in a three story townhome. They look cool but it is a lot of steps. I hold on tight to the bannister while walking down the steps with my little grandson!