Sunday, September 22, 2024

Art and the City


I started my day with a short stroll though Millennium Park where I caught one of the monoliths that make up the Crown Fountain.  

And of course, I had to walk past "The Bean".  I've got lots of photos of Anish Kapoor's masterpiece so I only snapped two or three this time.

And then it was over to the Art Museum where I visited the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit that will be ending tomorrow.  I've been to the O'Keeffe museum in Santa Fe many times but these were paintings I had never seen before.  Many of them I never would have attributed to her. It was an amazing exhibit.

I'll have to do a post about the exhibit later when I get home. There is so much to tell.

After lunch, I walked down to the Fine Arts Building where I rode on the hand operated elevator.  The nice man operating the elevator took me up to the 10th floor to see the Art Nouveau murals on that floor.  

On the walk back toward the hotel, I peeked in the windows of the Auditorium at Roosevelt University.  I snapped this photo of the beautiful stained glass above the doors. There were a whole row of these doors but I only captured these two.

This last shot is my own little artsy shot that I took on my way back to the hotel.  I decided to capture "the el" rolling past this reddish building.

1 comment:

biebkriebels said...

Nice to see, I have once long ago seen the Bean too.