Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Lots of Rain and a Pleasant Surprise


Tuesday turned out to be another rainy day.  In fact, very rainy.  I did manage to get out around 9:30 to walk to Federal Plaza to photograph Calder's grand "Flamingo".  I think that wet pavement kind of adds to the flamingo's brilliant look.

I walked along Michigan Avenue again while it was drizzling and then stopped for a leisurely lunch. When I was done, it was pouring down rain. I walked for about two blocks and then found a cab to take me back to my hotel so I could dry off. It was really coming down.

See that building on the right, the very, very tall one?  That is the tallest building designed by a female architect and it houses the St. Regis Hotel along with condos above.  That's where I had dinner Tuesday evening.

This is a view from the table at the restaurant.  It just so happens that my friend Dave (of the Julie and Dave that I've mentioned many times on this blog) was in town for a trial.  He didn't know how his trial would turn out so we didn't plan anything ahead of time, but as things turned out, we had dinner Tuesday night at a place called Miru on the 12th floor of that very tall building. It was a Japanese restaurant and the food was excellent.

We walked along the river after dinner allowing me to snap a couple of night time photos like this one of the Wrigley Building.

This one is looking west along the river.  The dreary, rainy day ended up quite spectacular with great food and good friends. 

I fly back to Phoenix this afternoon.  It was a wonderful 5 days.

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