Thursday, September 19, 2024

New Housing Options


I recently found two more in-fill housing complexes squeezed in between single the family homes around them.  These appear to be units above a two-car garage.  They have a nice urban look.

These have a more traditional look.  They look like they might be three stories high.  That would probably be too many stairs for me but I'm sure they would appeal to a lot of first time buyers.  


Travel said...

I like the urban townhouses, but not without an elevator at this age. There are days when my knees say no to stairs.

RedPat said...

Those 3 storey ones are what often gets built here too and there is a lot of space taken up by stairs. Getting cooling and heating evenly distributed seems to be a problem in many of them.

Steve Reed said...

Both very sleek and mod!

Catarina said...

Very modern looking, specially the first ones.

Bill said...

The style is very contemporary, I like it.