Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Yes, I'm a True Museum Nerd


I started my Monday experience back at the Art Institute.  There was one wing I hadn't visited and that member's hour was pulling me to go while it was quiet.  I was only there about an hour and a half and I truly enjoyed browsing the art so peacefully.  

After that, I headed north on a long walk up Michigan Avenue.

I stopped to visit Columbus Plaza where I lived all those years ago.  (26 years ago to be exact) There are an amazing amount of new buildings surrounding "my building".  I'm sure the view from my old apartment must be completely different now.

I managed to walk all the way down to the Water Tower before my legs were telling me it was time to go.

My friends I had dinner with on Saturday told me that the new hot spot in town is called the West Loop.  That's an area that was kind of rough when I was living in Chicago.  I looked up a restaurant, made a reservation and had dinner there.  It truly is a "hopping" area.  Lots of restaurants and shops and lots of people out and about.

I was seated next to a window and this was the view as the sun was going down.  (Those two red arrows are reflections from inside the restaurant.)  I liked how the buildings were glowing from the setting sun.

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