Thursday, September 26, 2024

Just a Few Outtakes


I'm back home but, I thought I'd show you a few outtakes from those last few minutes in Chicago.  First up, this was shot through the window of the Uber at the beginning of the long ride to the airport.  I snapped it because I recognized that building all the way to the left. It's the same one that is in the photo I posted on Tuesday shot through the restaurant window.  It's just from the other side this time.

Here is another one I shot out the Uber window.  I was mesmerized by the size of that graffiti on that building.  Painting those letters (or whatever they are) that big must have taken some ingenuity.

This one I shot out the plane window as I waited for everyone to board.  I was wondering what that guy was doing leaning over the engine on the jumbo jet.

Last but not least, downtown Phoenix as we were coming in for a landing.  I really must remember not to choose a seat right over the wing the next time I fly.  It gets in the way of my photo taking.


Travel said...

Welcome home

RedPat said...

I don't mind the wing showing in your last shot, Sharon. You packed a lot into a short trip.

Steve Reed said...

That's still a nice shot of the city, regardless of the wing! The gigantic graffiti is made, I believe, using a fire extinguisher. They somehow use the pressure of the extinguisher to spray the paint -- I'm not sure exactly how it works.

Diaday said...

You showed us a city view of Chicago as you approached O'Hare and now a Phoenix city view on your approach to Sky Harbor. Beautiful cities!

Catarina said...

I am so glad you had a very pleasant stay in Chicago. You were always on the move, and so was I. Thank you!!!

Bill said...

Beautiful views and great last minute photos. Glad you had a nice time in Chicago.