Monday, April 22, 2024

Earth Day Bounty


I've posted photos of blooms at public gardens, I thought on this Earth Day I'd post some blooms from right here at home.  There are a lot of blooming plants around this complex.

The bright red hibiscus blooms are always a favorite of mine.  

There are some new bougainvillea plants around with huge clusters of blooms on them.  

There are also a few of these plants scattered around.  I think this might be something called Texas sage.  Whatever it is, purple blooms always catch my eye.

The exotic looking African iris are also blooming.  

The landscapers have filled the place with red an white geraniums.  They are one of the first things I see when I arrive home.

There is a lot of Earth Day bounty right out my front door.


roentare said...

The red is gorgeous!

Travel said...

Such deep colors,

RedPat said...

I love the Hibiscus, Sharon. It always makes me think of holidays.

Stefan Jansson said...


Cloudia said...

Marvelous Flowers. Thank you so much dear aloha

Steve Reed said...

I especially love the bougainvillea and the African iris!

Catarina said...

The red hibiscus blooms are my favourite as well.

Aimz said...

I recognize all of the flowers except one.