Friday, May 17, 2024

The Mighty Woodpecker


I always hear a woodpecker before I see it.  It's either the rat-a-tat-tat of their pecking or their distinctive call that grabs my attention.  Last week at the Desert Botanical Garden it was the call that made me look up to see this one.  

I believe this is a female and she was sitting at the top of this saguaro skeleton and calling out to anyone who would listen.

I watched her for quite a while hoping to see another one stop by.  No such luck.  She finally flew off to another location.  I hope she found who she was looking for.


RedPat said...

Maybe she was looking for her family, Sharon. I hope she got an answer to her calls.

Cloudia said...

Very cool! I enjoyed seeing her and hearing about this very much. Thank you, Sharon aloha

Travel said...

She is looking for love.

Steve Reed said...

Yeah, looking for a mate, I'm guessing.