Friday, May 31, 2024

Just One Bloom


When I was at the garden last weekend, I noticed that the big toothpick cactus had only one bloom on it at the very top of the cactus.  This is one cactus that blooms all year long and I usually see two or three blooms at a time.  

The big surprise was finding this bloom.  This type of cactus usually is done blooming by this time of year.  However, this one managed one more bloom.  It was the only one of the big blooms that I saw and I'm glad I happened to walk down this particular trail to see it.


Travel said...

Such a pretty landscape that many people dismiss as not green.

Catarina said...

One single gorgeous blooom. : )

RedPat said...

The cactus flowers are so beautiful, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Wonderful sights! I miss big cacti. I just never see them here.

Aimz said...

Love the flowers, but then again cacti have some amazing blooms.

roentare said...

The bloom is looking so good