Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Arizona Restaurant Week


Last week was Arizona Restaurant Week.  It's a time when participating restaurants offer a special 3-course meal at a special price and they try out new recipes that aren't on the normal menu.  I only indulged in one restaurant this year but it was a winner.  It's a place called The Market by Jennifer and I hadn't been there in a long time so it was great to return.  My fantastic dinner started with Vanilla Shrimp with cauliflower puree, grilled corn and crispy fried shallots.  It was every bit as good as it looks.

My 2nd course was Pan-seared Salmon in a shiitake mushroom broth with caramelized shallots on a bed of sticky rice.  Another delicious dish.

I ended the meal with a Chocolate Italian Sweet Vermouth & Caramel tart with crushed pistachios and whipped cream.  It was a perfect ending.  

It was all so good, I wish I could do it all over again.  


roentare said...

Such an exquisite dining experience here

RedPat said...

It all looks quite delicious, Sharon.

Catarina said...

We have those special occasions here as well. Twice a year. "Winterlicious" and "Summerlicious".

Those choices are to be repeated, Sharon!!

Diaday said...

Wow...what a meal!

Travel said...

Looks wonderful.

Steve Reed said...

Looks (and sounds) fabulous!

Aimz said...

Vanilla Shrimp?! I'd definitely try that.