Sunday, May 26, 2024

The Little Garden


I had lunch on Friday at a favorite spot that happens to have a little garden just outside the front door.  Guests always walk right past this garden to get to the  restaurant's entrance.  It was looking very lush on Friday so I stopped to take a few photos.

There is all kinds of things growing in this edible garden, I see Swiss Chard, mint, basil, thyme and a little sage.

This smallish artichoke caught my eye.  

These peppers were looking like they were ready to harvest.  

The one thing I didn't see were tomatoes.  I might have been temped to pick a tomato so it's probably a good thing there weren't any.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  You can see some famous London clocks.


roentare said...

You remind me to get some fresh vegetables today. More raw food

RedPat said...

It all looks so lush, Sharon.

Catarina said...

fresh produce... guaranteed!!

Travel said...

Fresh herbs make such a difference

Steve Reed said...

Chard is such a pretty plant. It could be an ornamental, except I bet the slugs would love it.

Aimz said...

I have the same spinach in my vege garden and it's so good.