Sunday, April 9, 2023

Happy Easter!


A real bunny above and an Easter bunny to the left.  

H A P P Y  E A S T E R

One and All!


William Kendall said...

A cute rabbit.

biebkriebels said...

He is so cute, real looking at you!

Andy said...

Happy Easter all of the way from Canada!

Travel said...

such big ears Happy Easter

RedPat said...

The one on the left looks a bit sad & lonely. I hope you went and sat with him, Sharon.
Happy Easter.

Steve Reed said...

That poor Easter Bunny looks depressed! Go sit on his lap!

roentare said...

Two very different bunnies!

Aimz said...

The bunny in costume needs to have a smile put on his face, hope you had a nice easter.