Wednesday, November 23, 2022

The Art Outside of the Museum


There are quite a few art pieces located outside the Phoenix Art Museum that can be viewed before going inside.  One is the tiled wall by the artist Jun Kaneko.  It's called "Color Box".  Kaneko is the same artist that was featured a few years ago at the Desert Botanical Garden.

The afternoon sun was lighting up "Vortex" by Alexander Liberman.  This one opens the door to all kinds of photo opportunities.  

And, of course this guy is still relegated to the front steps of the Museum.  He used to move around inside the museum but you might remember when I discovered he had been exiled back in 2018.  


Mersad said...

The wall are is marvelous, as is the bright Vortex!

Mersad Donko Photography

roentare said...

Indeed beautiful art!

biebkriebels said...

I like that Vortex!

William Kendall said...

The second is my favourite.

Travel said...

Love the color and light. They should let him back inside, at least for the winter.

RedPat said...

I like all 3 of these pieces, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

Vortex is very "Calderian," if that's a word. I like the other two pieces too, even exiled guy!

Catalyst said...

I like the welcoming fellow even though he does look a bit dour.

Aimz said...

I like the top 2, very different perspectives.

Bill said...

Beautiful art. I love the Vortex.

Linda Sue said...

wonderful art- everything looks better in sunshine! Your area is chock full, isn't it!

Gemel said...

I like the second and third pieces.