Saturday, June 22, 2024

The Tiny Monastery


Looking at all those old posts from 10 or more years ago brought back lots of memories.  I posted a photo of this place back in 2010.  It was one of those odd discoveries.  It's located in a residential neighborhood on a very quiet street and it's tiny, the size of a one car garage.  However, it actually is a monastery.  Well, the monastery chapel I think.  There is an actual living facility next to it but completely surrounded by a high wall.

As you can see, the chapel is still locked up behind a chain-link fence.  

This was fun to find once again.  I had to drive around several quiet streets before I found it hidden away.


roentare said...

That monastery has delicate decorations

Travel said...

The world needs more hidden gems, more flexible zoning would really help.

RedPat said...

That must have been fun searching for it again, Sharon. I'm glad it is still there.

Bill said...

The monastery is kind of cute.

Jack said...

It hasn't changed much. The bushes on either side aren't even much bigger.

Diaday said...

What a hidden gem!

Catarina said...

Very inviting.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

How unusual, and an interesting find!

Gemel said...

I love an adventure myself. Beautiful building.

Steve Reed said...

Interesting! And probably historic?