Monday, June 17, 2024

History Mural


I saw this mural while I was in Oklahoma City.  It plays out some history of the state. I noticed when I was in an Uber for the ride to the airport that this mural ran quite a long way along the side of freeway.  I wish I had gotten a better look at it. It looks interesting.

Taking part in Monday Murals.


roentare said...

History mural is fabulous

Travel said...

It looks well done,

RedPat said...

I really like this type of historic mural. Looks good, Sharon.

Sami said...

Wow, that's a whole Indian village in the mural. Really beautiful.
Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Sharon.

remmij said...

called Oklahoma History Timeline Mural -
in the Bricktown area…

they have a few murals -

yee haw.

Steve Reed said...

Wow! It looks huge! I wonder how long it took to paint?

Bill said...

The mural looks great in that location. Big and beautiful.

Stefan Jansson said...

Interesting mural it is.

Catarina said...

It does look interesting.

Allison said...

We were in OK city in 2009, I wanted to go the the bombing museum. If you haven't been it's worth seeing. There is a lot of reading, so it takes awhile to get through it, especially with the lump in the throat. We were very surprised at what a sophisticated city it was, great art, pretty architecture. Not what we were expecting at all. Too bad their politics are so regressive. Chihuly is there because his mother in law lives (lived?) there. I don't know if she's still with us, but that's how they got that giant hanging piece. It looks a lot like the one that used to be in Bellevue Square, a shopping mall in Bellevue which is across Lake Washington from Seattle.