Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Another Look at a Favorite Spot


The last time I featured a photo from this favorite spot at the Desert Botanical Garden was back in 2022 when things were finally opening up again after the two years of pandemic shut downs. This is a little pocket spot at the garden and they had it closed off for two years.  When it was opened again it was looking a bit plain.  Back in January, I saw that someone had placed a dead palm frond in that big water pail.

When I was there a week ago, I saw that they had removed the palm frond and planted something in the white pot.  A little green is improving the look.

I decided to back up and get a broader view of this spot.  The ledge sits on the back of one of the garden's office buildings in a section of the garden that gets very light traffic.  It's always quiet and peaceful back there so it's a good place to sit for a while and listen to the birds.


Stefan Jansson said...

Nice looking "vattenkannor", we had a few of those in our greenhouses many years ago.

Travel said...

You have such patience - listening to the birds.

Diaday said...

The Desert Botanical Garden is certainly one of your happy places!

RedPat said...

That looks like a wonderful place to sit for a while, Sharon.

remmij said...

nice shadow work… sometimes they make sounds too - if they aren't drown out by the birds.
seems the palm is thriving.

Catarina said...

I can imagine myself sitting there. It is a very welcoming spot.

Rajani Rehana said...

Great blog

Rajani Rehana said...

Please read my post

Steve Reed said...

Well, that plant is a step in the right direction!

Aimz said...

I can see why it's your favourite spot.