Friday, June 14, 2024

Another Botanical Garden


Once I decided to go to Oklahoma City, I began looking for other things I might like to see in the city.  I discovered they have a botanical garden and it sits right in the heart of downtown.  

It's called Myriad Botanical Gardens and the beautifully landscaped gardens are free to the public.  However, there is an admission price to go into the "Crystal Bridge" pictured in these two photos.

I did go inside and found some very interesting plants and other amazing things.  More about that tomorrow.  


roentare said...

This botanical garden is big modern and classic

biebkriebels said...

Looks good such a Botanical Garden.

Travel said...

Maybe I should go back to Oklahoma. A friend invited me to do a training, then Covid turned that into a webinar.

RedPat said...

There is a lot to see in Oklahoma, Sharon. I knew nothing about it.

Steve Reed said...

Myriad...what an interesting name.

Bill said...

The botanical garden looks inviting.