Friday, June 7, 2024

Desert Fern Tree


The Desert Fern Tree is one I hadn't paid much attention to in the past but all those fuzzy balls on it caught my eye.  They look sort of like tiny cotton balls.

It's sometimes called a feather bush because of its feathery leaves.  It grows tall enough to produce some shade and it blooms with those fuzzy flowers in the late spring.

I'm not sure how the bees get to any nectar in such a 'hairy' bloom but they must have their ways.  There were plenty of bees buzzing around this one when I saw it.

I'm flying off to Oklahoma City today.  It's a short trip, only one night returning late Saturday.  I'm not taking my computer with me for this short trip so I've posted ahead.  I'll fill you in on this short trip next week.


Stefan Jansson said...

Nature has a way.

Catarina said...

The other day I photographed a similar tree. I don't think it is a fern. I will research.

Diaday said...

Thank you for sharing all the desert plant life. It's so beautiful!

Travel said...

Interesting tree. Safe travels!

RedPat said...

It is so unusual with all those little balls of fluff, Sharon.
Have a good trip.

Bill said...

What a unique tree. Safe travels.

Steve Reed said...

Looks like a relative of a mimosa.