Thursday, June 27, 2024

An Impromptu Treat


My friends David and Riley called me Sunday afternoon and asked if I had dinner plans.  They had made a reservation at a new restaurant called Pyro and wondered if I wanted to join them. I did and what a treat it was.  The place was visually beautiful and the food was excellent.  

The food is cooked over fire and the cuisine is Japanese inspired.  Everything was delicious and the service was top notch.  It was a great experience. The restaurant is tucked away and can't be seen from the busy street outside.  It was like stepping into another world.  


biebkriebels said...

That is realy a great treat!

Stefan Jansson said...

Wow, agreed, very photogenic.

Catarina said...

You have great friends!!
Nice place!

Travel said...

A great food town.

RedPat said...

That is a treat of many kinds, Sharon. What a great spot for photos.

Bill said...

What a fantastic treat! A very visually appealing place.

Steve Reed said...

Ah, now I get the name. I love that snake!

Gemel said...

That is one cosy alcove.