Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Eye-Catching Patterns


I have a few more pieces from the current exhibit at the Shemer Art Center.  First one up is my favorite.  This is called "Very Shy" by Howard D Settel.  His artist statement says he discovered digital art at age 77 and has created a body of work using an electronic brush.  

I need to investigate this type of art more deeply.  It looks fascinating.

Next is a piece in Gauche, ink and pencil on paper by Rowan Mastendrea.  He calls this one "Transit".   What an incredible combination of patterns.

Here's one to make you feel a bit dizzy, especially if you stare at it too long.  This one is by Cindy Snider and it's called "Candy Stripes".  It is an acrylic painting.  I can't imagine painting those lines so neatly.  

This one looks similar to something I might doodle only not nearly this neatly.  It is by Helen Judith Witt and is created with India ink.  

This last one is for all the photographers out there.  This is by Joanna Proffitt and she calls it "Connection".  What a spectacular photograph of reflections.


roentare said...

These patterns are intriguing

Stefan Jansson said...

The first one is my favorite, the third reminds me of strawberry ice cream.

Gemel said...

Brilliant pieces.

biebkriebels said...

The red and white one makes me dizzy, I like thre last one.

William Kendall said...

A couple of them have a mesmerizing effect.

Travel said...

Lots of great work,

RedPat said...

I love these, Sharon.

Bill said...

Great pieces of art, Sharon. The first one is my favorite.

Aimz said...

They certainly give a different perspective, especially the first one.

roentare said...

The lines and patterns are just astounding!

Linda Sue said...

These are all so very interesting. The candy stripe , I appreciate, but can not look at - all others are wonderful! Reflection photo os astonishing as well! I don[t know how anyone can make such neat and tidy lines in the gauche, ink, and pencil "Transit". The detail blows my mind!!

Catarina said...

Impressive. I liked them all.

Steve Reed said...

I do like the reflections. Some of these look like what used to be called op-art back in the '60s. (Do we still use that term?) That pencil work is really amazing.