Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Transcendentalist Painting Group

The Phoenix Art Museum owns several paintings by members of the Transcendentalist Painting Group I mention in yesterday's post.  In another part of the museum, they set up a small section of paintings from the artists in this group who were working at the same time as Agnes Pelton.  Above is Rancho de Taos Church by Emil Bisttram.

This group of paintings is called the Zodiac Suite by Raymond Johnson.  They range from Aries on the very far left to Pisces on the far right.

On the left of this photo is City Dynamism by Raymond Johnson.  Next to it is Marine #4 by Emil Bisttram and on the end is Tensions also by Bisttram.  To the right is a favorite of mine called Composition #18 and it is also by Bisttram.

I'll end with one more from the Agnes Pelton show.  This one happens to be owned by the Phoenix Art Museum and I've seen it many times before but until my visit to the exhibit last Saturday, I didn't know anything about the artist.  It will be nice to see this painting with the background to really appreciate it fully.  This one is called simply "Day".


Aimz said...

I'm liking my one - Pisces :-)

Catarina said...

The more I see these concepts of design, colour... the more I like them.

RedPat said...

I like the work of this group, Sharon!

Steve Reed said...

Fascinating work! I agree with you -- Pelton has an intriguing style.

William Kendall said...

That last one is my favourite of the set.

Judy said...

That first one draws me in.

Bill said...

Beautiful art, I really like the first one.

The Padre said...

Really Enjoying These Past Few Days Of Photos. So Delightful.


PerthDailyPhoto said...

I like the Transcendentalist style of art a lot Sharon, it's very easy on the eye ✨