Saturday, April 13, 2019

Purple Flowers Under a Stormy Sky

I took these photos back in March when these pretty little blooms were spilling out of a tall planter at the Desert Botanical Garden.  The flowers are called Purple Coral Pea Vine.  That's quite a name for such tiny little flowers.

Those vines hang from this planter all year long but the blooms only appear in early spring and they last just two or three weeks.


Andy said...

Looking good.

RedPat said...

Gorgeous while they last, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

They're very pretty.

Bill said...

What a beautiful sight.

Aimz said...

I love the top one, such an awesome contrast in colours.

Catalyst said...

Yesterday was "stormy", sorta, but today the sun was shining and the temperature a beaut. Tomorrow even better. Picnic time!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

love the purple coral pea vine Sharon, it grows well here also, I think I've had it in the garden over the years, have to keep it under control. Super perspective in first shot 🌸

Steve Reed said...

Pretty! This is not a flower I know.

Thérèse said...

Quite a view againts the dark sky.