Sunday, October 20, 2019

Flying Fish

The exhibit called Wild Rising at the Desert Botanical Garden brought some very unusual scenes with it as evidenced by the posts I've had this last week.  Seeing these bright fish floating in the air was just another unique experience.

The message we are supposed to take from these fish floating high above the desert floor, is that there will soon be more plastic in the ocean than fish if we don't do something about all the plastics we are tossing out.  That's a very frightening thought.

I have a new post on Sharon's Sojourns today.  I'm visiting Bellagio, the city not the Las Vegas hotel.


Andy said...

Plastic pollution is a up hill battle... but don't give up.

Revrunner said...

Some imaginative people at work here.

biebkriebels said...

I have never seen so much flying fishes :)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

That's quite assay to make a point Sharon, let's hope it's a problem that can be solved in our lifetime ✨

Thérèse said...

We are not used to see flying fish every day!

Catarina said...

Plastic, the villain...

RedPat said...

We just have to keep up the campaign of making more people aware of the issues who will then start demanding changes!

William Kendall said...

Quite creative.

The Padre said...

Way Cool


Catalyst said...

Yes, that's sad. And maddening.

Bill said...

I love these fish, so creative and very cool.
We stopped buying anything that comes in plastic trays or containers back in January so our recycling has been dramatically reduced. The reduction has been eye opening for us.

Aimz said...

I do hope at some point everyone can try and make a difference in using less plastic. As for the fish, I like how colourful they are, they stand out.

Kay said...

Bill Burke has made a great point. I recycle obsessively but changing buying habits is probably even more important. I need to think about that.

Steve Reed said...

I wonder if those fish light up, like some of the earthbound animals do?