Friday, October 4, 2019

Corporate Logos in the Yard

I saw this green dinosaur in front of a house recently so I turned around to go back and get a photo.  I recognized this fellow as "Dino" the logo for Sinclair Oil Corp.

After I turned around and went back, I saw this fellow sitting in the same yard.  It's "Pegasus" the corporate logo for Mobile Oil.

What an unusual choice of art for the front of one's home!  I wonder if the owner works in the oil business or possibly in advertising.  Or, maybe they just like corporate logos!


Catarina said...

Yes, that's unusual.
I sometimes pass by this house that has a moose.

Andy said...

Perhaps a collection of someone in the oil business?

RedPat said...

Advertising collectors? I like that Pegasus!

Bill said...

That sure is different. Different is great and then it ends up being on a blog seen all over the world. How fun is that. Great find, Sharon and thanks for photographing it for us to see.

William Kendall said...

I would imagine they're in the business.

Revrunner said...

Immediately reminded me of the lyrics to that song, "What's that knocking on my door." :-)

The Padre said...

These Are Terrific - Enjoyed The TURNING THE CONER Post As Well - Very Nice


Kay said...

Those are an interesting find. The Sinclair critter looks like he's grazing on the shrub.
People collect the most surprising stuff. We have a small, beautifully restored gas station in someone's yard here. I posted it years ago. I should go back and take a look again.

Aimz said...

Well it looks like a nice way to brighten up someone's yard and make it more interesting.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Both look like they would be quite at home on Cottesloe beach during Sculpture by the Sea Sharon 😉

Steve Reed said...

Ha! Those ARE an interesting choice for home decor. Surely someone there has a connection to the petroleum industry?