Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Racy Posters

Two vintage posters featuring some old style race cars.  I found these posters at the Phoenix Art Museum.  Tomorrow I'll show you why they are there.


biebkriebels said...

Those were pretty cars in those days!

RedPat said...

I love the style of the posters, Sharon!

Roseann said...

Pneus is the French word for 'tires'.

William Kendall said...

Both stand out well.

Bill said...

Very impressive, I like both of them.

Kay said...

Very nice! I don't think I've seen this style of poster before for cars. I like it.

Catalyst said...

Very stylish. I can imagine a car aficionado having them on the walls of his den.

Lois said...

Nice posters Sharon!

Aimz said...

Love those old posters!

Gemel said...

Boys and their toys! they are really great posters.

The Padre said...

Amazing Posters - Thanx For Sharing - Good Timing As Well


Steve Reed said...

I love those old poster designs!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They are pretty cool Sharon ✨