Thursday, November 9, 2017

Desert Plants

These purple flowers can be seen all over the Phoenix area and are used mostly in landscaping around commercial properties.  I think it's called Desert Ruellia.  I spotted this plant when I parked my car at the Phoenix Art Museum last weekend.  The flowers looked so pretty in the sun so I snapped a picture of them when I got out of the car.

An hour and a half later when I was leaving the museum, I glanced at the same plant and it had no flowers on it at all.  That's when I noticed that all the pretty purple blooms were scattered on the ground.  I couldn't help thinking how sad it was the someone felt the need to pull the blooms off this pretty plant.  It's funny the things that one notices.


Andy said...

This really is one beautiful plant. Too bad the world also has wacky people.

Billy Blue Eyes said...

Very nice reminds me of a weed we have here called Bindweed but the flowers on that are white

RedPat said...

That's the kind of thing that makes just want to give up. Beautiful flowers, sad story, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

How bizarre. Maybe the plant drops its flowers as the day wears on? They are pretty, in any case!

Lowell said...

People can be jerks as we well know. This is a gorgeous plant and the color is one of my favorites. Perhaps Steve is right, though...the leaves of some plants do drop off over a period of time. I think.

Judy Ryer said...

I guess they couldn't stand to leave it for someone else to enjoy.
Makes you wonder.

Catalyst said...

You should have taken them home with you. In a nice shallow bowl they would have made a nice centerpiece for your table.

Christine said...

A beautiful colour, my favourite!
If only people would enjoy but not touch!

William Kendall said...

People can be so thoughtless.

Lois said...

Who knows why people do such things. The light is gorgeous in your first shot!

Bill said...

Why don't people just admire the flowers and keep their hands off them. The first image is gorgeous Sharon, very nice!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Hi Sharon, beautiful light and bokeh in your first shot. I recognize this plant but am hopeless with names. I'm sure Phoenix and Perth have many hot weather flowers in common ☺