Saturday, October 12, 2024

Will It Never End?


Here is a perfect example of how we desert dwellers are feeling these days.  I posted a photo of this little cactus garden in front of the Western Spirit Museum in Scottsdale back in 2022 when all those saguaros were standing tall and looking good.  Even though saguaros are built to take the heat, these look like they've had enough.  

I snapped this from my phone on Thursday.  It appears that it might finally be letting up a bit.  Fingers crossed!!  We've heard these predictions before so I'm only cautiously optimistic this time.  


Travel said...

45 here this morning.

Diaday said...

Those saguaros look like they've had enough. Hope your heat breaks soon.

RedPat said...

You will be able to go for some comfortable walks, Sharon.

Stefan Jansson said...

7C here when I left for my 5 hour bike ride this morning. A bit warmer a few hours later. Stay cool.

Steve Reed said...

At least your night temperatures are nice! It looks like something is eating those poor saguaros from the bottom. Mice?