Tuesday, October 8, 2024

American Backcourts


When my friend and I were at the Western Spirit Museum last Friday, we saw a small exhibit of photographs by Rob Hammer.  He set out on a project to document a different side of the sport of basketball. He shows how it is found everywhere and loved by all.  I loved the clever way he named each piece.  The one above (sorry about the reflections) was taken in Arizona but he named it "Mars".  I can see the resemblance.  

This one was taken in Utah and he calls this one "Retired".  I don't know, I think there might be a few more baskets left in this one if you aim to the right.

This one is called "Railroad Ball".  

Looks like basketball is loved all over the country and played a variety of locations some in difficult terrain.  


Diaday said...

What a fun take on basketball. When there's a will, there's a way.

Travel said...

Find a theme and pursue it.

RedPat said...

I really like these, Sharon.

Steve Reed said...

What an interesting idea! The "Mars" photo does look very Martian.

Catarina said...

Approved! Quite interesting.