Friday, August 13, 2021

Impromptu Dinner


Given the rise in COVID cases, my friends and I are starting once again to limit our exposure to large groups.  My friend Glenda decided instead of going to a busy restaurant we would have dinner at her house.  She invited Dave to join us.  (Julie is out of town.)

Glenda made a delicious Caprese salad and I tossed together a pasta dish.  It was all very delicious

After dinner we went out on the patio to enjoy the cooler temperatures when this handsome fellow stopped by for a visit.  He "chatted" for a while and then was on his way.

The evening turned out to be every bit as good as any restaurant experience.  


biebkriebels said...

I love the Salade Caprese too very much. Nice visit of the dog!

Billy Blue Eyes said...

I've not been to a restaurant in a long time preferring to cook at home, lets face it you can knock up some superb dishes

Andy said...

Stay safe and enjoy.

Travel said...

Looks like a delightful evening,

Catarina said...

I haven't been to a restaurant in over a year... and I miss it!! Take-out only.

Four friends and I planned to meet for the first time this coming Monday... but we are now in the midst of a fourth wave. Not sure what to do.

Love those salads! And pasta. : )

William Kendall said...

What a cute doggie!

RedPat said...

I have eaten at large restaurant patios but haven't been in a restaurant since the whole covid started.

Steve Reed said...

Sounds like a nice evening. That dog has a lot of hair for Arizona!

Janey and Co. said...

Sounds perfect to me! We are going to the art galleries gala tonight. They have asked us to social distance and wear masks until we sit down for dinner. Feel obligated to go…hoping it won’t be a mistake.

That dinner sounds delicious and I love the fellow who stopped by to visit.

Aimz said...

I think that's a good idea and the food looks delicious.

Gemel said...

What a handsome pup.

Catalyst said...

That salad looks delicious!