Tuesday, August 17, 2021

A Tall Building


I discovered this building in a residential neighborhood on the western edge of downtown Phoenix.  The building's tall stature immediately stood out among all the single level houses.  

 It looks like it houses at least three apartments and all in the footprint of a single family home.

The Art Deco touches make it look appealing to me. 


Stefan Jansson said...

A fine art deco building it is.

Andy said...

It certainly has a different look to it.

biebkriebels said...

I like it!

Gemel said...

It is a bit like a cartoon house!

Travel said...

It would be fun to explore. I hope there is an elevator.

RedPat said...

It sure stands out, Sharon!

William Kendall said...

Unusual, but I like it.

Steve Reed said...

Interesting. Do you think it's an old Art Deco building, or a more recent building merely made to look Art Deco?

Sharon said...

I think it's a new building made to look Art Deco.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The Art touches really appeal to me too Sharon, even if they are new 😉

Aimz said...

I really like it, art deco was so different.